Orangeblooded Conservative

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President Obama Acted “Stupidly” for Calling Out Cambridge Police

Posted by Orangeblooded Conservative on July 23, 2009

I’m sure you’ve all heard the story now about Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s arrest by Cambridge police after he forced his way into his home. And if you’ve seen the Drudge Report lately, you’ve seen the headline that Barack Obama said the Cambridge Police Department acted “stupidly” for arresting this man, using the default liberal rationale of racism every time something happens that they don’t like.

What the rest of media doesn’t like to report is the ridiculous behavior that Mr. Gates engaged in after Stg. James Crowley confronted him on his front porch.

According to Crowley on the Dennis and Callahan Morning Show, Mr. Gates was less than cooperative with police when he refused to answer the police officer’s questions, did not show an ID with an address on it to prove his place of residence (he showed a Harvard ID instead of a driver’s license), and even went so far as to verbally berate the officers, speaking about Stg. Cowley’s mother, among other things……you know, what any well educated Harvard professor would do in such a situation.

What is also not being reported, is the things that Stg. Cowley did to accommodate Mr. Gates after his arrest, including handcuffing him in the front of his body instead of behind his back because of an ailment, going back into Mr. Gates’ house to get his cane to bring along with him, putting him into a police cruiser instead of a wagon, and even declined to put him Mr. Gates in a cell because of claustrophobia. Do you think you would get such kind treatment if you were being discriminated against?

And the most pathetic part of this story is that Mr. Gates is not asking for an apology….he’s demanding that Stg. Cowley and the Cambridge Police Department come beg for forgiveness. The arrogance in that attitude is unbelievable. When asked about giving an apology, Stg. Cowley said, “It’s not coming.” And rightly so.

But I’m sure Barack Obama knew about all the details of the incident and is fully briefs on what I’m sure will be a full investigation into the matter, right? So here’s to you Obama, for acting “stupidly” by insinuating on national TV that the officers involved were racist, just because they arrested a black man, before all the details were fully investigated.

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